Call for Submissions

Endpapers Press, publisher of Ignition Books, Quadrant Books, and Heliosphere Books, is now accepting submissions in the following categories:

  • Science fiction, preferably military, hard, or social in nature. Also steampunk.
  • Fantasy, preferably urban.
  • Mysteries of all types.
  • Thrillers, including high-tech, science, military, and political, contemporary and near-future.
  • Military nonfiction, particularly memoirs of combat.

Endpapers Press is a royalty-paying publisher located in San Diego, California. Its publisher, Andrew Zack, has been in the business for more than twenty-five years, having been in editorial and/or subsidiary rights at Simon & Schuster, Warner Books, Donald I. Fine, and the Berkley Publishing Group. He has also been a freelance editor for Tom Doherty Associates (Forge Books), Dell, and Avon. In the early nineties, Andrew made the transition to literary representation, working first at Scovil Chichak Galen, and then his own firm, The Zack Company, Inc.

In 2012, Zack announced the launch of Endpapers Press and has published over two dozen original and reissued works of fiction and nonfiction.

“Reading to my oldest son at night, I often talk about the parts of the physical book. The dust jacket, the headband, and, yes, the endpapers. To me, publishers that care about books go to the extra effort to not just publish a book, but to physically build an attractive and quality book. Endpapers, in part, signify quality.”—Andrew Zack, Publisher

Why Endpapers Press? Because we believe in quality. Endpapers Press has only published books that follow a traditional approach of editorial consideration, developmental editing, copyediting, and proofreading. Our covers do not use templates, but are individually developed. And our eBooks are not available just at Amazon, but also via Apple, Google, Kobo, Scribd, Nook, and Axis 360.

Endpapers Press is open to submissions from both agents and authors and will be accepting them via the platform. To see our prior books, please visit Authors and agents can submit via the link on our home page or directly at


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Endpapers Press

From mysteries and thrillers to history and how-to, from science to science fiction and fantasy, Endpapers Press publishes quality eBooks and print editions of original and reissue titles by established authors and new voices.


PMB 212
4653 Carmel Mountain Rd, Ste 308
San Diego, CA 92130-6650

(858) 384-0265